The Man. 


*He has no idea this picture exists.*

I remember that day so clearly. That day I met this man. Walking out of one of the administration buildings on the campus I was attending college at. I simply walked out of the old giant heavy wooden door and in my blissfully unaware stroll I let the door slam on the guy behind me. All I heard was a thud. I turned around to see this totally smokin’ hot guy I’d never seen on campus before and immediately wanted to crawl in a hole.  For real, I quickly scanned my surroundings for something to hide behind…. I apologized over and over and he repeatedly told me “it’s alright” in the cute Arkansan twang he had. Whoo, I was smitten from the gettin’ but to embarrassed to do anything about it! Just a short 5 minutes later I had gone to gather my mail in the student center and I hear a friend of mine yell out “hey Dawn, I want you to meet my friend that’s visiting!” I turned around and yep….it was Jeremy he wanted me to meet. While I was quite excited about the official introduction, I’m pretty sure my embarrassment  was shining right on through.  So after some good laughs and a little chatting we said our goodbyes and I was captivated. I went home to my apartment fell on my bed gazing out my window and said to my roommate “I think I met my future husband today.” A year and a half later; we were married. 2 young clueless kids skootin off into the sunset totally unaware of what life had in front of us. But I can tell you today I’m grateful more than ever that he is the one. That he is my one. That he is Gods one that was so graciously gifted to me.

He is his sons Hero. They admire and look up to their Daddy in a way that melts my heart. They crave time with their Daddy: even commenting that they wished Daddy didn’t have to work so they could play with him all day. They look forward to “Daddy talks” every night as they lay in bed. (I look forward to that too bc I secretly listen to the sweet questions they ask and the giggles they have). Tender moments I dare not forget. He is a picture perfect example of the kind of godly leader they should be in their household one day, the kind of husband they should be and the kind of father they can be. My hearts prayer is they are able to soak in all the nuggets of knowledge and growth and wisdom from their Daddy to carry through. I know and trust the Lord will help them do that.

This man: standing in the highest description I can give to you of Christ’s love. He is a God fearing man that has the highest integrity in all that he does in business and at home.  His tenderness and mercy seaps from every part of his being.  When he could have been my worst enemy, he was my biggest champion.   I stand in awe of how when his faith was tested in the biggest way – he fully and wholly relied on Jesus Christ.  He, with no hesitation, did what the Lord commands us to do and forgave me as Christ has forgiven us.  He forgave the man whom he called friend that I had an affair with as Christ has forgiven us.  His heart is awe-inspiring.  He allows the Lord to guide his every step.  He is loyal to his family and his friends.  He is selfless, humble, grace-filled and pure.  He is Jeremy.  My husband.  I wanted you all to know the man behind the story.  If you know him; consider yourself blessed.  If you don’t; let me introduce you.

In this season of Thanksgiving, I am most grateful for the privilege of doing life with this man.  The thought of almost losing him as a result of my actions at times still hurts my heart.  But then….God reminds me of redemption and grace.  And now friends, I can promise you, I will never again take him for granted.  Ever again.  I will daily stand in awe of a God that has blessed me with a man beyond my wildest dreams.

Happy Thanksgiving all.  Be Thankful.  Be Blessed.


More later………